Oxford Office - 01865 552 925  |  Witney Office - 01993 776 476 team@themgroup.co.uk


Strategies for Selling Your Business

With a new Government in place and rumours swirling of a possible increase in Capital Gains Tax (CGT), business owners might feel a heightened sense of urgency to sell their enterprises. Under the current system, profits from the sale of business shares are taxed at a...

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Selling a Business to Family or Management Team

When it's time to consider selling your business, the decision can feel both exhilarating and daunting. For many owners, selling a business to family or management team can offer a seamless transition and maintain the company’s legacy. This strategy ensures the...

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Why Would Someone Want to Buy Your Business?

If you're a business owner considering selling your small to medium-sized enterprise (SME), you might wonder about the reasons why someone would want to buy your business. Understanding the potential motivations of buyers can not only help you position your business...

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The MGroup

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